Thursday, September 5, 2024

An Inspiring Autumn Walk

Thoughts On Letting Go of Expectations    

 I had a thought recently about going for a walk to some wild natural place, taking my sketchbook and journal with me and doing some work outside during my favorite time of year. I love the autumn! The air gets cool and crisp but the sun still feels warm. Evenings are spent wrapped up in cozy blankets and sweaters either reading a book or watching a movie. Either way, you are indulging your senses with feel-good comforts. This is the time of year when I feel most creative and comfortable. Those things seem to go hand in hand for me. I like to be comfortable in my own skin, which means dressing in layers, which can only happen in cooler weather. With the changing of the leaves and the shortening of the days we start to withdraw. My inner world is also where I am most comfortable. I get to dive deep in thought and dream of what I want to do next. I get to visualize exciting new ideas and plan how to manifest them.  

    When I imagined going on my inspiring nature walk, I visualized strolling down to Barrys Glen, which is a little hidden gem of trees and overgrown shrubs and winding trails that sits only a block away from my house. I would wander aimlessly through the trails until I found a spot that felt right. I would then sit myself down, take out my notebooks and begin to let my mind and my hand wander. I could write about the late afternoon shine poking its way through the leaves or I could sketch a tiny mushroom peeking out of a fallen branch nearby. I might even bring some incense to light and some tea to drink to fully immerse all my senses in this creative experience. This is what I imagine it would be like. 

    But what if I get there and nothing happens. That is ok too. I don’t have to create an instagram experience in order for the trip to be worthwhile. What I write doesn’t have to be publishable and what I draw doesn’t have to be in an art gallery. These are very narrow visions of success anyway. The things we create don’t have to have a monetary value or purpose in order to be useful. Sometimes the very act of doing is the point. As they say in yoga, sometimes the hardest part is getting your butt on the mat, just showing up. I feel its better to move into our dreams with enthusiasm but not expectation. Be willing to experience and step into the unknown. Often times, when I go on unplanned walks or adventures, that’s when the most fun and interesting things happen. Allow for synchronicity to find you. You won't regret it. Whimsy is the spice of life.  

*image was painted by author

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