Tuesday, September 3, 2024

 A New Beginning

    September has always felt like the beginning of autumn to me. Even though the weather can still be hot and sunny, the cooler evenings and noticably shorter days signal the inevitable change that comes every year. When you think about it, it can be the most colorful time of year. With the changing leaves, its like natures final explosion of life before retreating into the shadows for a quiet winter slumber. The food starts to smell more spicy and alluring. We get to enjoy the abundance all around us through the comfort of family and friends. September begins the process slowing down, to take stalk of what we have accomplished so far, and to start planning for what to do next. 

    School starts back up so everyone's minds are swimming with the excitement of academia, well at least mine is. Even though I am no longer in formal education I am still an enthusiastic learner and I love picking out which subjects to study and putting together a study plan. I may not always stick to it but its good to have an idea of what you want to accomplish. For the next few weeks, I want to focus on art and philosophy, specifically Pablo Picasso and Albert Camus. I purposefully chose slightly more obscure individuals as I thought it would force me to slow down so that I could really integrate the material. More obscurity means you have to rely more on facts and less on socia media and pop culture references. 

    Another thing that I love about autumn is that it encompasses spooky season. I am a big-time horror fan and I love anything Halloween, spooky and weird. I always feel super creative and inspired during this time of year. People say that summer is the active and busy time but for me its autumn. I really feel more comfortable, both physically and mentally, to let my freak flag fly. 

    The cooler weather means I can break out the cozy sweaters I adore and start to layer my outfits, which makes me the most comfortable. Needless to say, dark academia is my main inspiration this month. I will be creating a whole wardrobe and redecorating my office to give off those moody academic vibes. Yes, I am one of those people who creates vision boards but as a visual artist, they are extremely helpful and inspiring. Naturally, I have a Pinterest board called Dark Academia. Feel free to check it out. 

I look forward to this month being filled with new learning opportunities, watching the trees start to change, plenty of fun activities and lots of sweaters and lattes. 

*all photos were sourced from Pinterest

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