Thursday, October 4, 2018

Home Decor Finds

This summer, I was really into taking care of myself, which got me thinking about taking care of my home. Through a lot of brainstorming and many hours on pinterest, I came up with a list of updates and decorating items that I would like to implement in our house. Not surprisingly, the tricky part with this is money, and other priorities. Putting shingles on the roof is more important than painting the kitchen cabinets.
However, I have managed to pick up a few small and inexpensive items to sprinkle throughout the house to help me feel like I'm accomplishing something. Since autumn is my favorite season and we are currently living it, the items I have picked out do have a decidedly fall-y feel to them. I'm ok with that.

Geometric cages for lights and lamps are super popular right now and I really kind of like them. It's a little surprising to me because they seem too modern for my more natural aesthetic but I'm into it. Would you believe that I found this cool little light at the dollar store! And it's battery operated so I can set it anywhere I like, which is perfect. It's currently shedding a little light in a dark corner of my living room.
The copper vase and the fake autumn leaves are also a new addition. Autumn colors are so warm and cozy, I thought bringing in some color would be nice.

I think I mentioned these keys before in another post but they are seriously one of my favorite things I got this summer. I found them at an estate sale while I was visiting family in Utah. I originally was going to leave them behind but my mom surprised me with them. She must have seen how much I was eyeing them up. Moms are sneaky like that.

Here are a couple more geometric cages that I also found at the dollar store. I swear, we have one dollar store that has some amazing housewares and home decor stuff.

This Halloween tree guy was another dollar store score (can you tell that I shop there a lot). The selling point for him was that he lights up, in different colors. I couldn't believe it when I saw it and he had to come home with me. (sorry, I did take a sort video on my phone so you could see the changing colors but for whatever reason I couldn't get the play function to work)

I'm not usually one for fake flowers and plants but replenishing real flowers is just too costly at this point in my life. These ones are new this year and the rocks I put in the bottom of the vase are ones I picked up on my summer walks and trips to the beach. I figured, why buy rocks when I have jars full of them for free.
I really liked the green vine things because they look like tentacles.

This freaking beautiful triple goddess mirror was a gift from friends and it now lives in our hallway. In addition to that, I also took the time to hang some family photos in the hallway but I can show those in another post, maybe.

This adorable little ceramic cactus was another dollar store purchase (yes, the awesome one).
I have it sitting on top of my desk, near my studio space. By the way, that cucumber melon candle smells so freaking good!

Finally, one of my favorite things to light up a room with, candles. As you can tell, I've already burned down two of these candles most of the way but it's because they smell so yummy! The orange clove one smells like just that, orange and clove, and I got it on sale at Target. The autumn day one is clean and fresh, like a walk through the forest and fallen leaves. I got that one from the dollar store.
And the middle one is a cute little pumpkin candle that doesn't really have a scent I just thought it would be nice to have a pumpkin shaped candle.

So those are my recent home decor finds. There was definitely an autumn theme, which was not intentional but I'm glad it turned out that way.
I would love to know how you guys decorate for fall, if ya do. Please comment below. Laters!

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