Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Weird Wednesday - Bigfoot Is A Ghost

For this weeks installment of Weird Wednesday, I thought I would talk about an intriguing theory surrounding one of the most well known cryptids in North America, Bigfoot. Now, I'm sure anyone reading this is familiar with the story of Bigfoot. We've all seen the blurry photos and the sketchy home videos, but I've always thought that there was more to the story than just some elaborate hoax that has gotten waaaay out of hand.

If memory serves me right, the first fond recollection I have of Bigfoot was watching Harry and the Hendersons dozens of times as a small child. The idea of a large man-ape wondering the forest, elusive and mysterious, captured my imagination. I never bought into the horror tales of Bigfoot as a ferocious monster. I always thought of him as just another wild animal and should be treated with the same respect as any animal, especially when encroaching on their territory.

 But what about Bigfoot as a ghost. It's an interesting theory, used to explain some of the wacky phenomena surrounding Bigfoot encounters, posited by Greg and Dana Newkirk of Week In Weird fame.

Greg and Dana have a traveling paranormal museum full of haunted and strange objects they have collected over the years. They study all things paranormal, including Bigfoot, and have their own ideas about why Bigfoot is so elusive. (this is Greg and Dana's Bigfoot team pictured below)

This is the link to the article on their website, Week In Weird. In it, they explain why they think Bigfoot is a ghost, suggesting that Bigfoot encounters share similar phenomena to ghost hauntings and UFO experiences, such as malfunctioning electrical equipment and strange lights of unknown origin. I thought I would offer that up if you would like more detail rather than just regurgitating the whole article. I don't know that I'm 100% sold on the idea but it definitely gives you something to think about. One thing I do know for sure, strange things happen in the deep dark woods.

I would love to hear any stories people may have about Bigfoot or any mysterious creature they may have encountered. Please comment below. Until next time, keep it weird.

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