Sunday, January 26, 2020

Goals For 2020

I know I'm getting to goal setting a little late this year, since it's already almost February, but I wanted to set some goals for myself that I knew would be realistic for me.

Lately, I've been concerned with my body and it's not just because it's that time of year when everyone and their dog is getting a gym membership. I genuinely want to create healthier habits for myself and I think the best way for me to do that is to set smaller goals that are broken down into more manageable steps.
To say, I want to loose weight in 2020, is too big and too broad. While there are a few pounds I wouldn't mind shedding, weight lose is not my main focus. Instead, I wanted to come at it from a more holistic angle that focuses on overall wellness.

So far, I have established four main goals for myself and most of them will happen during the spring, summer and fall, when I know that I am more active. This is what I've come up with based on my own personal interests:

Goal #1 - Complete a 21 day cleanse
I'm going to be starting this cleanse the 1st of March. The reason for this is March is when spring starts to show itself a little bit and it's also the month of the spring equinox, which will be happening the final day of the cleanse. This is my spring cleaning starting from the inside.

This is the cleanse laid out by Kris Carr in her book, Crazy Sexy Diet. I have attempted this cleanse before but have never made it all the way through so this time I am determined to finish it. It's a fairly intense cleanse that not only covers what you're eating but your physical activity and your mental and spiritual health as well.

Goal #2 - Complete 30 Day Yoga Challenge
I will be stating this goal the 1st of April because April is a thirty day month and coming off the cleanse, it seemed like a good next step. Yoga is something that I have enjoyed since high school, though my practice has been off and on again since then.
My hope with this challenge is to kick start my physical activity as spring will be underway and to integrate yoga as part of my spiritual practice and mental health. I don't anticipate maintaining a daily practice after this challenge but I think two to three times a week would be totally doable.

To help me out with this goal, I'm going to be following one of Adriene's 30 day programs; she has a Youtube channel called Yoga With Adriene. I really like her personality and the way she teaches. It's super approachable at any level and each class is only about thirty minutes so it's not a huge time commitment.

Goal #3 - Complete a 5K Run
Let me start this by saying, I am not a runner. I have never been a runner. However, people who do marathons and triathlons have always interested me. I've always wondered why people do these things and I figured the best way to find out is to do it myself.

Now I'm sure there will be some eye rolls at this but my plan is to follow the program in an app called 5K Runner. It's meant for beginners and is designed to have you reach your goal within 8 weeks. I will be starting the first week of June. I figured I would have the month of May to celebrate the achievement of my first two goals and prep for this third big goal.
Much like the yoga challenge, I don't anticipate continuing to be a steady runner afterward. I just want to see if this is something that I could do and 5K seems way more reasonable than a marathon.

Goal #4 - Monthly Road Trips
By road trips I mean driving around to local abandoned buildings and cemeteries to check these places out and take some photos. I have a fun little Intax Polaroid that I've been itching to take out lately.

Photography has always been a fun hobby for me ever since high school when I worked in my first dark room. I've also been interested in abandoned buildings and cemeteries are just neat places to visit as well. So I figured why not combine the two. Plus, it will get me better acquainted with the land I live on and road trips are fun. To start off with, I don't want to go anywhere that is more than a day trip away. That way I can get my toes wet and not spend a lot of money doing it.
This is something that I want to keep up throughout the year and hopefully continue to do as a fun hobby.

So, that's what I have planned for 2020. I figure by August I'll be thinking about starting to wind down a little bit and getting ready for my favorite time of the year: autumn. I am a Fall girl through and through and of course, Halloween is the best.

Let me know if you have any goals or plans that you're looking forward to this year. Let the roaring 20's begin!

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