Monday, October 1, 2018

In My Studio - Sketchbook

It's been a long while since I have made a post about my artwork. I was cleaning out my studio space the other day and I came across some older sketchbooks. I flipped through this one and it became apparent to me where I was in my life at the time that I was using this sketchbook. The things that I was into and the things I was thinking about came back in a wave of nostalgia. I'm not entirely sure on the timeline but I think this sketchbook is from around 2010 or so.
I remember this time with fondness but I have no desire to go back there. I am perfectly content with my current living situation. If there is one thing I miss it's having the time to be consumed with artistic ideas. But that's ok, at least I have my sketchbooks.
I didn't want to bombard you with images of the entire book so I went through and picked out the drawings I thought would be the most intriguing. Hope you enjoy.

I used to do a lot of abstract doodles like the one above.I was actually thinking of having an art exhibit around my whole collection.

Albert Einstein, cause why not.

This one was actually a tattoo design I made up for my husband and me. I think I still want to get it done someday.

That triple eight design in the corner is another tattoo I drew for the date of my wedding, 8/8/08. My husband beat me to the punch and got it tattooed on his arm. I'll get mine eventually.

I know this last one is a little difficult to see (it's in pencil) but I was trying to work out the look of pulling ones eye sockets just cause it would be a good creepy look for other drawings and whatnot.

Future sketchbook posts to come. I have dozens of them.

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