Saturday, July 14, 2018

Sigurd the Cat

This is going to be another gratuitous cat post. I have many photos of my cat, most of which are of him sleeping cause he's a cat and that's kind of what they do. Anyway, in addition to the super adorable pics I thought I would tell the story about how we (my husband and I) came to share a life with this furry little dude.

We acquired Sigurd from a friend who frequently takes in stray cats and finds homes for them. Sigurd was a street cat and he was a little skinny when we first got him and he was super scared of most things. He would scratch us pretty much everyday but we continued to love him because we knew there was a lovable cat in there somewhere.

Now he is just a big suck who always wants to snuggle and we couldn't imagine life without him. He has been with us now for about twelve years and I think he was a couple years old when we got him so he's turning into a grumpy old man who loves face pets and cuddling on your lap as long as you don't move at all. He gets a little bitchy when you disrupt his coziness but he still would rather snuggle.
I have to say, even though it's heavily biased of me, that he is a pretty awesome cat. He doesn't really claw anything, he doesn't pee on anything and hairball control is minimal so we really lucked out in the cat department. He has become an important part of our family and we just love him to bits!

He is also much more photogenic than I am.
That's all for now, laters!

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