Monday, May 7, 2018

In My Studio - Sketchbook

As you may or may not know, I am an artist. I have been drawing, painting and creating my whole life. Since one of the things I wanted to do with this blog is share the things that I enjoy doing, writing about my art seemed logical. This isn't going to be an academic study, however, because there are textbooks for that. I simply want to share what I'm working on and maybe some of my thoughts on that.
Lately, I have been getting more into fan art because my inner geek is shining through and looking for ways to express itself. Since I don't have a lot of money to spend at Comic Readers I thought why not make my own art and hone my skills at the same time. Most of these sketches were just rough ideas I had in my head and I wanted to draw them out to see what would happen. Some of them are inspired by stories I have been reading by H P Lovecraft and Holly Black. Others are just random doodles.

You can see that there is a bit of a nautical theme. I think that may be the Lovecraft influence because he seemed to have a thing for tentacles. However, I didn't want to just draw tentacles so I drew some other sea creatures. The ones below are all from movies:  Creature From the Black Lagoon, Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and Jaws.

A little Nosferatu with a picture of Edgar Allen Poe in the corner. I like to put all sorts of things in my sketchbooks; drawings, photos, random bits of whatever.

This is my flying lizard guy. I don't know where he came from but I started drawing a lizard head and ended up with this. That's the fun part about sketching is that you don't always have a concrete image in your mind. Sometimes I just start drawing, not really knowing what I'm going to draw.

The words surrounding the stag are lyrics to a song by Solar Fake called More Than This. I enjoy this band, you should look them up if you're interested. I'm not going to attempt to put them in any type of genre because it will start a rage fire about what is goth music. It's from a playlist on the Belfry Network podcast.

Everything up to this point was done in pen and ink. Whenever I want to do realistic portraits I use graphite because it's what I get the best results with. I have been honing my portrait skills for years, and there is always room for improvement, but I was fairly pleased with this one. I tried something new with this which was applying a light water wash to it to get that runny, drippy look. It's an aesthetic I've been favoring lately, so I'm experimenting with it.

This is Frankenstein's creature from the show Penny Dreadful, which is one of my favorite shows and I absolutely loved this rendition of the creature (from the show). I still haven't seen the final season yet but I'll get to it eventually.
If you have any questions or are curious about any other artwork I have done please leave a comment down below. Till next time.

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