Saturday, June 22, 2019

Abandoned Farm House

I found this little gem of a spot per chance, going out bird hunting with William one day. It was a spur of the moment thing so we were really just casually looking around to see what there was to see. I saw this house and I instantly thought it would make a good spot for a photo shoot and I thought it would be interesting to take photos of as well. It's a really neat looking house but it is far too overgrown to really get inside. Any openings into the house didn't look stable enough to risk further exploration, which I was kind of bummed out about, but it was still fun wondering around outside of the house. I bet in it's hey day the garden was actually quite beautiful, though in my opinion, the wild overgrowth has it's own beauty. 

I always wonder what happened to the last occupants of houses like this. How is it that buildings are just left to rot and decay? Surely, the landowners know that it's there, so why wouldn't they repair it or knock it down? If it's of historical value, wouldn't it need to be preserved? Abandoned buildings often leave me with more questions than answers but I guess that's half the fun.

I am hoping to post more photos of other abandoned buildings and cemeteries. I downloaded a great app called Find a Grave and it will pinpoint any recorded graveyard and cemetery in your area. There are three in a town 40 minutes south of me so that is probably where I will go next. Hope you enjoyed these. Until next time, laters!

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